Saturday, September 28, 2013


The last few weeks have been B U S Y.
I am still trying to catch my breath.

Life has been good, but a little stressful. Between school and balancing the rest of my life, it can get kind of exhausting. I have learned over the years that I am more of an introvert, rather than an extrovert. I read this study that in order for introverts to "rejuvenate" they need to have time just to themselves. And same with extroverts. In order for extroverts to "rejuvenate" they have to be with people and doing things. So why am I saying this? To illustrate the point that I haven't had that "down time" and I am going crazy! My kind of down time is watching a movie, taking a nap, not doing anything for a night, going shopping or doing a craft. Sounds silly, but I am ready for that down time! Is it fall break yet?!

Anyywaayy, here is what's been going down recently.

Brother + his friends and Me + Jane went to the Luke Bryan concert. It was A M A Z I N G. Really. Luke Bryan brought it! His openers were Florida Georgia Line and Thompson Square. LOVED IT.

However, most of this night we watching lesbians dance on lesbians or THIS:

{Lady in black was REAL impressed}

The parents came to town and we went to the BYU vs Utah game. Talk about heartbreaker. For the first time, I am seriously considering switching sides and becoming a Utah fan. BYU has done nothing but break my heart these past few years. It's like they get the fans so pumped and excited and continually let us down. Lame. 

 {This view though >>>}

{Don't mind my black eye?}

The coolest part of this game? That four University of Utah Football players wore "Team Courtney Elise" bracelets during the game to support Courtney and Childhood Cancer Awareness month. Shout out to Honeycutt (#25), Murphy (#82), Chappuis (#19) and Freeman (#23). That was the real win right there❤️

{Grandpa J and Courtney}

We celebrated Lisa's birthday. She is 29! Holy cow, our family is getting old. 

I am obsessed with this picture of me and the girls. 
Oh and the one on the left? Always says "I am just like you, huh Stephanie!?"
Ut-oh :) Apologies to my sister and brother in law.....

{Remember how I am thinking about converting to being a Utah fan?}

Last, I had to take these pictures. One morning I am driving to work and it the prettiest sunrise you've ever seen. The next day driving to work? We changed seasons! Umm what?! I wasn't ready for winter-like weather overnight. I love fall and want it to stay as long as possible! 

But that's Utah for you! You never know what the weather is gonna be like.
I will say, both pictures are pretty. I am just not mentally prepared for snow :) 


Sunday, September 15, 2013

10 things

My friend and I said that this fall we were going to be better about blogging so we can print our blogs at the end of the year. It's crazy how social media is the new way of life (insta, facebook, vine, tinder...we'll get to the later). And how it represents our life and way of journaling.

So 10 Things, here we go:

1. Since my class is studying Utah state history this year, we will be walking the perimeter of the entire state (about 1,226 miles). This is great because part of the state history of the Mormon Pioneers that walked and settled here. So here's to our year long journey. 

2.  Celebrate my good friends birthday! LOVE HER. I am so grateful for her, she is such a good friend. And when you're with her, it's always a good time. Not a great picture of everyone but hey, who doesn't love The Cheesecake Factory? And shopping? The best. 

3. What's September without a fair?? Hit the fair with some friends. SIDE NOTE: I rode the ferris wheel for the first time in years. Wasn't as magical as I remember it in The Notebook, it was more like The Sandlot. Lame. 

4. Someone got Tinder! Months and months of trying to convince this girl to get Tinder, then she gets it, and lines up a date within a week. ChaChing! Okay, so maybe he wasn't prince charming for her but hey, it's a great start :) #ProudRoommateRightHere

5. Wednesday has become my favorite day because of this commercial. Plus, I'm a Geico member so I feel like it is my responsibility to love Wednesday's that much more. HUMMMP DAYYY! 

6. So using the commercial above, naturally we were thrilled when it was Swiss Days. Solely so we could say in the camel's voice, "SWISS DAYYYSSS!" Cute shops and yummy food.

7. Utah has had some crazy weather recently. People keep complaining, but I am OBSESSED. Thick cloud, rain and thunderstorms? My kind of weather and feels like home. This picture was taken right before BYU's first home football game. We literally got stuck under a pavilion at our tailgate for at least an hour while the rain was out of control and lightning was striking just seconds away. We were soaked! 

8. Ain't nobody fresher than my clique...

9. And last BUT NOT LEAST. Did you know that Cancer is National Childhood Cancer Awareness month? Well, now you do. My life has been forever changed by Cancer. I will give back until I am old and wrinkly. How do people get through these heartbreaking trials? Other people. Amazing and selfless people. People who are constantly asking "what can I do to help" or even those who are donating money or spreading the word. We need each other in this life. And we need people in our lives who have our best interest at heart. 
So how can you help? 

Wear GOLD! This is the color representing childhood cancer. Wear as much gold and yellow as you can. Wear it out, people. Those kids NEED you. 

Is anyone ever expecting Cancer to happen in their family? NO. Donate money. Even just $10. Those bills add up FAST. Here is where you can donate for Courtney

Volunteer. At the hospital. For a family in need. At a bake sale. Fund run. Whatever. 


Why? Because as cute as she is, not every day is smiles and rainbows. Cancer is hard. It's no fun. But people carry people through trails. There is a child or family that needs YOU. 

10. Oh, and if you want your own Team Courtney (glow in the dark) bracelet, it is a $5 donation.
Hit me up if you want one! I rep mine errr day. So join the club :)