the whole day was the most surreal feeling. all of your life you think and dream about your wedding day. i kept pinching myself and asking, "is it really my wedding day?"
our sealing was B E A U T I F U L. i knew from the moment he started talking to breck and i, i knew he was the one who was suppose to seal us. he had a playful, yet soft and charming personality. he gave us the best advice, too.
not only did we think that our sealing was amazing, everyone kept saying "i have been to a lot of sealings, but that has to be the BEST one we've ever heard and been to." made us even more happy!
when we came out of the temple, all of our friends and family were there waiting and cheering for us. we quickly took pictures and then raced back to sleepy ridge golf course in orem for more pictures and our reception.
our reception R O C K E D. there were SO many people (i think we counted 300+), the line was clear down the stair well and out the door. we eventually had to just cut the line to get on with cake cutting, bouquet toss, dancing and our sparkler send off.
my mom did an amazing job decorating. we had a photo table, a candy corner, a kids table and even a photo booth. i know she was stressed up until the wedding day, but it all paid off. both of my parents worked so hard to help us have the wedding we wanted. i feel so blessed that they are my parents.
it was amazing the love and support we felt. people traveled near and far to let us know how genuinely happy they were for us. not only that, people kept saying "i love your love story." and i do too!
the best part? shelby, our sister-in-law, packed us S I X to-go boxes of reception food. don't worry, we ate all of it the second we got to the hotel room. we were starving! also, shout out to my brother who was so thoughtful to being me a diet coke during the reception (however, i think i only got two sips. boooo.)