I love Utah (I really do) but I've been a little homesick lately.
I need some familiarity. Pine trees. The lake (a legit one).
I miss the simplicity of life that lies in the Northwest.
Before I moved to Utah, I swore I would never fall into the competitive atmosphere here.
Who's wearing what, who's driving what car, who's house is bigger etc.
Yet, I'm slowly finding myself in this trap.
For some reason, I think I deserve all these new things or just things in general.
When in fact, I don't need any of it.
Maybe it was just the way I was raised OR the way of life in the Northwest, but life is so much more simple up there. People are happy with what they have. Girls don't have to be dressed to the nines every second they walk out of their house. Guys don't have to have a pimped-out BMW.
People live within their means. And they definitely prioritize needs over wants.
As I get older, I realize I don't want to raise my kids with an attitude of entitlement.
I want my future kids to see the beauty in living a simple, frugal lifestyle (no matter where I live).
I am not saying let's shop at Goodwill (J.Crew, say what?) and drive a beat up car. I'm saying, I hope my future kids can appreciate the little things in life. And realize that they don't need the newest iPhone or latest and greatest electronic. I hope they can see that there is more to life.
As for me, I am trying to simplify my life even more these days.
And trying not to compare myself to others (harder than it sounds)
{In a car wash, Go Mariners!}
I guess what they say is true: you can take the girl out of Washington,
but you can't take the Washington out of the girl ❤️
I'm kind of in the reverse of this right now- I'm from San Diego but live in Idaho now. I love that I don't feel constant pressure of looking a certain way or being a specific type of person. Sometimes when I go back to visit my parents, I start to feel that pressure creep in again and it's nice to be able to leave there, and come back to a place that doesn't do that to me.