Thursday, January 1, 2015

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last year, i had a resolution to go on as many adventures as i could find (and afford). and i held myself to that. every time i was invited somewhere, whether it was just a party at a cabin or a trip to st. george, i took the opportunity to go. jet to hawaii for nine days? a total yolo moment. and it was worth every second. i definitely went on a lot of adventures in 2014.

my new resolution or motto for 2015 is to not hesitate when it comes to serving others and look for more opportunities to do so. i really haven't been seeking out service opportunities and feel like this year i want to make up for that. doesn't have to be big. could be the smallest thing like helping a friend move, holding up a door or lending a smile.

i am so excited for the coming year and what it may bring. so 2015? bring it.

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