Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Lets talk about stuff

Lets talk about the fact I have insomnia for days. Always.
Hence writing this at 4am.

Lets talk about.....(insert song lyrics here)

Lets talk about the fact that I have 6 dates this week. You read that right, S I X.
I'm feeling a good blog post coming...

Orrrrr that my 7 year old niece says the funniest things.
The other day we were at my cousins for dinner and the convo went like this:
Alli, "do they have spray butter?"
Me, "no, probably not,"
My Mom," here's some regular butter."
Alli, "how do I use regular butter, just like spread it on??"
I was dying. Clearly, they don't eat "regular" butter often ;)

Lets talk about how I can't get my butt to the gym in the last 3 weeks.
Orrrr lets not.

Lets talk about the fact that I now have a tv in my room.
I'm never leaving my bed. Like, ever.

Orrrrrr that I've decided to wear a head wrapish thing every third Friday when Courtney admitted for chemo. Soon she will lose her hair. And It will be heartbreaking. But lets be honest, she will be the cutest chemo patient there (umm but really). We gotta rock the wraps and stay positive!


We can do hard things. 
Oh yes we can. 


Monday, July 29, 2013


For family photo's we were given a color scheme.
However, Lisa, my Mom and I have similar taste in clothing.
At one point we all were thinking about wearing chambray shirts.

Lisa said, "I don't want a family picture from the nineties."
Oh, you mean like this?
(Did you seriously not think I wouldn't include the Kardashians in this post? Get real) 

Don't mind that Lisa and I are Mary Kate and Ashley in the middle of this picture. Twins or not, I am obsessed with our new family photo and more importantly, obsessed with these people.

Plus, we're kind of cute #sorryimnotsorry

We always have each others back. We laugh until we cry.
We play a mad game of Rummikub and/or Headbandz (true gamers, I know).
At the end of the day, these people are the ones that matter most.
And I am totally satisfied just rollin with my homies.


Thursday, July 25, 2013

The 'C' word

My life has forever changed.
To what extent, I am not sure yet.

C A N C E R.

Cancer is something you hear about. It's something you know happens.
But it only happens in other peoples family, right? Never your own.

Cancer is one road our family is suddenly going down and there is no way out, but to just keep going.

Why. Why. Why.
So many questions.

Tender mercies have been shown. Like how my entire family was suppose to be in Glacier National Park this week. Everyone had work off for this week. However, when the news spread, we bagged Glacier everyone came to Utah. Although Utah is no Glacier, I wouldn't want to be any place else.

This is the first time my family has been together in 8 years. E I G H T years. Crazy. 

Courtney is strong and we can do hard things, this I know.
I also know that no matter what, our Father in Heaven is going to hold Court's hand throughout this.
He gives his toughest trials to his strongest soldiers. And she's one tough cookie.





Now who's ready to go kick Cancer in the grass??? (Well, you know what I meant)

Courtney is!


Friday, July 12, 2013

A Little Bit of Summer.

You guys. My summer has been awesome.

I get to work on things for my classroom at my own pace and in my own space (holla)
I get to wake up when I please (however, I am usually up my 6:30-7am most days by choice)
I get to work out. A L O T (something I neglected from January to April) 

I'd say the best thing about my summer is that I've had little stress and a whole lot of freedom! My first year of teaching was a lot of work and I felt like I was constantly playing catch up. Thank goodness for summers because this next school year is going to be a lot more relaxed. Hopefully.


{SWAG: Sweaty Women & a Guy}

{Olympic Gold Medalist & host of Nickelodeon's "Figure It Out" Summer Sanders}

{Water Days}

 {Mini Golfing in the Thunder and Lightning}

{Putting Kylie to work in the classroom}

{Centennial Trail in Spokane}

{Where my heart is A L W A Y S}

I wish I had more pictures of what I've been up to-they were on my old phone. Boo. 
I still have a month left and I am soaking every ounce of it up!