Thursday, September 27, 2012


Falling off the running bandwagon is no bueno. Why? Because the restarting part isn't my idea of fun. After Ragnar, I became pretty inconsistent with my workouts due to life being a tad bit busy (excuses, I know). 

These past couple of weeks I've been in the "recharge and restart" phase. Surprisingly? It's been good.
Maybe its because I have a couple of awesome running partners. OR maybe it's because it's been a stress reliever.
Either way, I am pleasantly surprised.

We've had some unbelievably beautiful runs this past week. It makes me wish fall would stay a little longer. Not only that, the crisp air and changing colors reminds makes me homesick for Spokane.

And what's fall without a little football? 

And without parents?
They practically live here these days #RetiredPeopleProblems 

{this picture makes me cry for so many reasons}

So Utah? I usually like you. 
But in the fall? I love you. 

So keep that scenery coming.
And the parents too :)

Oh and maybe, just maybe, a win for those Cougs?

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